教師姓名❎:陳建 | |
職務職稱😆:講師 | |
研究方向:導航定位、人工智能🈂️、軌道交通、圖像處理 | |
聯系電話♢:021-50216807 | |
E-mail:jchen@sspu.edu.cn | |
通訊地址👩🦯:上海市浦東新區金海路2360號28號樓914 | |
個人介紹 | |
余於庚子年孟夏之月,自廈門大學畢業,獲工學博士之銜。繼而於同年之季秋,受聘於沐鸣2娱乐沐鸣2平台,執教為業。 余之研求🗓,廣涉導航定位、人工智能𓀍、軌道交通、圖像處理諸域🧚🏻◾️。迄今,已著SCI論文十數篇,教改之文一篇,獲專利之授一項,軟件著作權一項,並主持或參與縱橫項目凡七🏆。於教學,余主講《電磁場與電磁波》、《射頻電子線路》📛、《汽車電子學》、《射頻識別技術》等課程🐅,願以所學🔙,育英才。 若子有誌於科研之道,願深研此諸域者👩🚀,余翹首以待。願與子攜手⚄,共探學術之幽微™️✡️,揚帆知識之海,同書輝煌之篇章。望子垂詢,共赴科研之旅。
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主要論文🧜🏼♀️、專利及著作情況 | |
論文 [1]. Jian Chen, Shaojing Song, Yumei Gong, Shanxin Zhang. An indoor fusion navigation algorithm using HV-derivative dynamic time warping and the chicken particle filter. Satellite Navigation. 2022,3(1):13. (一作😎🏍,SCI,中科院一區) [2]. Jian Chen, Shaojing Song, and Haihua Yu. An indoor multi-source fusion positioning approach based on PDR/MM/WiFi. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2021🧘🏿♀️,135 : 153733.(一作,SCI🚵🏽,中科院S二區) [3]. Chen, Jian, Shaojing Song, Yang Gu, and Shanxin Zhang. A multisensor fusion algorithm of indoor localization using derivative Euclidean distance and the weighted extended Kalman filter. Sensor Review, 2022, 42 (6): 669-681.(一作👨🦯,SCI🍕🚡,中科院四區) [4]. Chen, Jian, Shaojing Song, and Zhihui Liu. A PDR/WiFi indoor navigation algorithm using the federated particle filter. Electronics , 2022,11(20): 3387. (一作,SCI,中科院三區) [5]. Liu Zhihui, Song Shaojing, Chen Jian and Hou Chao Enhanced WiFi/Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Indoor Localization Using Artemisinin Optimization-Particle Swarm Optimization-Particle Filter[J]. Electronics, 2024, 13(17): 3366. (通信作者,SCI,中科院三區) [6]. Chen Jian, Li Donghui, Qu Weiqiang and Wang Zhiwei A MSA-YOLO Obstacle Detection Algorithm for Rail Transit in Foggy Weather[J]. Applied Sciences, 2024, 14(16): 7322. (一作,SCI👱🏿♂️,中科院四區) [7]. Jian Chen, Gang Ou, Ao Peng, Lingxiang Zheng and Jianghong Shi. An INS/WiFi indoor localization system based on the weighted least squares. Sensors, 2018,18(5):1458. (一作,SCI,中科院三區) [8]. Jian Chen, Gang Ou, Ao Peng, Lingxiang Zheng and Jianghong Shi. An INS/floor-plan indoor localization system using the firefly particle filter. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018, 18(7):324. (一作,SCI,中科院三區) [9]. Jian Chen, Gang Ou, Ao Peng, Lingxiang Zheng and Jianghong Shi. A hybrid dead reckon system based on 3-dimensional dynamic time warping. Electronics, 2019,8(2):185. (一作🗒,SCI,中科院四區) [10]. Miao Zhiqing, Song Shaojing, Tang Pan, Chen Jian, Hu Jinyan and Gong Yumei. MFFRand: Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Multi-Loss Supervision[J]. Electronics, 2022, 11(21): 3626.(SCI,中科院三區) [11]. Zhao Yang, Zhang Shanxin, Sun Jiande, Chen Jian, Wang Cheng and Li, Jonathan. Automatic Image-to-Color Point Cloud Cross-modal Registration Based on Graph Neural Networks and Iterative Reprojection[C]//2023 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). IEEE, 2023: 1-5. 專利 [1]. 陳建,宋紹京,顧陽等. 基於加權擴展卡爾曼濾波的室內定位方法及室內定位系統[P]. 上海市: CN112797985B, 2024-01-23.(發明,已授權) 軟著 基於python的室內定位軟件V1.0
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主要科研項目 | |
縱向 [1]. 教育部高等學校科學研究發展中心惡劣環境下軌道交通智能環境感知技術研究🏊🏼,主持,2024.4-2025.3 [2]. 校副導師專項 基於智能終端的室內位置感知研究,主持,2022.1-2022.11 [3]. 校自科基金 多源異構融合導航關鍵技術研究🫛,主持🌍,2021.1-2022.11 [4]. 國家重點研發計劃自適應導航軟硬件技術子課題,參與,2018.3-2022.3 中國第二代衛星導航重大專項 全源****導航應用關鍵技術研究,參與,2016.2-2017.12 橫向 [1]. 霧天氣下城軌列車障礙物檢測系統技術研發,主持👸,2024.7-2025.6 [2]. 復雜環境下室內導航系統技術開發,主持🤵🏽♂️,2024.8-2025.7 [3]. 行人導航系統技術開發〰️,主持,2024.8-2025.7 |