教師介紹 | ||
| 教師姓名 | 魏嶽軍 |
職務職稱 | 高級工程師🫄🏼、碩導 | |
研究方向 | 信息論與編碼、無線通信、智能信號處理 | |
聯系電話 |
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yjwei@sspu.edu.cn | ||
通訊地址 | 上海市浦東新區金海路2360號28號樓1013室 | |
個人簡介 | ||
教育經歷👨🏻⚕️: 1995.9-2000.6 中國科學技術大學 電子工程與信息科學專業(5年製本科),獲學士學位 2004.3-2006.12 中國科學技術大學 電子與通信工程專業🌧⛳️,獲工程碩士學位 2008.9-2013.5 上海交通大學 通信與信息系統專業🧙♀️,獲工學博士學位
工作經歷: 先後在華為無線產品線、華為海外研究所任職,歷任工程師、高級工程師、主任工程師和技術專家。有超過20年無線通信、信道編解碼、無線寬帶多媒體通信領域的技術研究和開發經驗,所研發的算法和技術方案被廣泛應用到3G、4G、5G無線網絡中;曾榮獲華為首屆“十大發明”獎、5G基礎研究與標準傑出貢獻獎。 2017年獲上海市高級工程師職稱(計算機與信息技術應用)🧙🏼。 2023年11月加入沐鸣2娱乐沐鸣2平台🌃,任高級工程師🧒🏿、碩士生導師。 | ||
主要論文⚈、專利及著作情況 | ||
論文情況🦶: 1. Mengxiao Liu, Yuejun Wei, Zhenyuan Chen, and Wenyi Zhang, “ORBGRAND Is Almost Capacity-Achieving”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.69, No.5, May 2023 2. Kefan WANG, Yuejun WEI, Zhenyuan CHEN, Huarui YIN, Liping LI and Wenyi ZHANG, “Reduced-search guessing random additive noise decoding of polar codes”, Science China Information Sciences, Vol. 66 129301:1–129301:2, February 2023. 3. XinTao Jin, Zhenyuan Chen, Yuejun Wei, Wenyi Zhang, Huarui Yin, and Liping Li, “ORB-Enhanced Belief Propagation Decoding of Polar Codes”, 14th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing(WCSP), Nov. 2022. 4. Kexin Xiao, Bin Xia, Liang Ma, and Yuejun Wei, “Design and Analysis of Probabilistic Shaping Scheme for Uplink Nonorthogonal Multiple Access Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 67, No. 12, Oct. 2019. 5. Peng Kang, Yixuan Xie, Lei Yang, Chen Zheng, Jinhong Yuan, and Yuejun Wei, “Enhanced Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Decoding of Short LDPC Codes Based on Satuation”, 2019 IEEE Information Theory Workshop(ITW), 2019. 6. Xiaoning Wu, Ming Jiang, Chunming Zhao, Liang Ma, and Yuejun Wei, “Low-Rate PBRL-LDPC Codes for URLLC in 5G”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol.7, No.5, 2018. 7. Xiaojian Liu, Yuejun Wei, and Ming Jiang, “A universal interleaver design for bit-interleaved QC-LDPC coded modulation”, IEEE 9th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing(WCSP), 2017. 8. Sergei V. Fedorenko, Mikhail Trefilov, and Yuejun Wei, “Improved list decoding of tail-biting convolutional codes”, IEEE XIV International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, 2014. 9. Yuejun Wei, Ming Jiang, Bin Xia, Wen Chen, and Yuhang Yang, “A CRC-aided Hybrid Decoding for Turbo Codes”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol.2, No.5, Oct. 2013. 10. Yuejun Wei, Kedi Wu, Bin Xia, and Yuhang Yang, “Speech Quality Improvement Based on List Viterbi and Joint Source-Channel Decoding in UMTS”, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.17, No.3, Mar. 2013. 11. Lili Wei, Wen Chen, and Yuejun Wei, “Linear transceiver and receiver design methods for multiuser MIMO channels”, IEEE 2012 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2012. 12. Yuejun Wei, Yuhang Yang, Ming Jiang, Wen Chen, and Lili Wei, “Joint Shortening and Puncturing Optimization for Structured LDPC Codes”, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.16, No.12, Dec. 2012. 13. Yuejun Wei, Yuhang Yang, Lili Wei, and Wen Chen, “Comments on ‘A New Parity-Check Stopping Criterion for Turbo Decoding’, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.16, No.10, Oct. 2012. 14. Ying Xu, Yuejun Wei, Yuhang Yang, and Wen Chen, “On the Super Codes of the First Order Reed-Muller Code Based on m-Sequence Pairs”, IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference, 2011. 15. Ying Xu, Yuejun Wei, and Wen Chen, “On the Performance Evaluation of Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes with Arbitrary Puncturing”, IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference, 2010. 16. Cheng Wang, Rendong Ying, Yuejun Wei, and Yuhang Yang, “Spreading sequence selection scheme for NBI suppression IN DS-UWB systems”, IEEE 5th International Conference on Ultra-wideband and Ultra-short Impulse Signals, 2010. 17. 余國華,楊宇航,魏嶽軍⌚️,“Raptor碼譯碼算法的改進方案”,通信技術👩🔬🛼,2010年第08期,第43卷⚠。
專利情況: 在中國、美國、歐盟等申請發明專利超過100件(含多件3GPP基本專利)🤛,部分專利如下: (專利號/申請號,專利名稱,時間,本人排名)👩👦👦: 1. 202410473202.1,一種多級編碼調製的分層方法,2024👬🏼,1 2. 202410473307.7,一種基於分層編碼調製的混合自動重傳方法,2024✈️,1 3. CN113839739B,通信系統中數據處理方法和裝置,2023,2 4. CN112737600B🔘,譯碼方法和譯碼器,2023🤠,2 5. CN112166569B🦨,數據傳輸的方法和裝置👨👨👦👦,2022,1 6. US11463108B2, Information processing method and communications apparatus, 2022, 2 7. US11469864B2, Data transmission method and apparatus, 2022, 2 8. US11736235B2, Data processing method and related apparatus, 2022, 2 9. US11736235B2, Data processing method and related apparatus, 2022, 2 10. US11211952B2, Encoding method, communication method, and apparatus, 2021, 2
授課🧑✈️: 通信技術導論🧜🏻♂️,信息論與編碼,人工智能技術,人工智能應用與實踐 | ||
主要科研項目 | ||
1. 主持橫向項目 無線及衛星通信中的先進編碼技術研究🚗💆🏿,2024-2025,進行中 2. 主持橫向項目 移動通信中的多級編碼調製技術研究,2023-2024,進行中 3. 主持橫向項目 基於LDPC和Polar碼的編碼調製算法研究,2023-2024🚯,已完成 4. 主持企業項目 5.5G實時寬帶多媒體新QoS架構和傳輸技術研究👨🦳,2020-2023🌤,已完成 | ||
榮譽及獲獎 | ||
2022 華為公司無線產品線5.5G RTBC容量提升技術創新及端到端業務孵化獎 2021 華為公司2012實驗室總裁獎 2020 華為公司公司技術規劃體系年度重大貢獻獎 2018 華為公司5G基礎研究與標準傑出貢獻獎 2016 華為公司公司首屆“十大發明”獎 |